//blacky whitie!
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ALOHA, Erathlings! Welcome to my blog! this is the simple skin... so, be nice at here.


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Kawan Lame Tapi Terbaikkk!!

Heheheh..today Cik Qilah's x de na post ape2..So Cik Qilah's right this jelah.. Nak thu Tak Kawan Lame Tuh Adelah kawan terbaik..hehe..Korang tak tahu kan.. Bgi Cik Qilah's Macm tuh..Sebab,Cik Qilah's Ade kawan au..Nme Die Dian Izaty..HUHU..Cun Orangnyer.. She's my best ever Friend Okay..Ade lha yang len..Malas nak taip..hehe..Today Cik Qilah's Berjaya mengedit blog.. SIKIT2 JER..Then Cik Qilah's minta tolong Dian untuk tolong sekali..Ade upah..Pling mahal She said dalam RM10..HUHU..Mahal uh~~ Lepasnih Cik Qilah's NAk Kene jimat nih..huhuh K lah tht's all for today~~ BUBYE..LOVE U ALL.. ~THE END~

0 Blacky Whitie!